Andersen is a true conversation starter in any home! Andersen is the oldest window/door company in North America and have been synonymous with quality for over 100 years. Also known for their innovative composite window as well. Choose from their beautiful Fibrex® (composite) frame 2x stronger than vinyl or their tried-and-true premium wood-clad product with different exterior options.
The second oldest window/door company in North America manufacturing the most beautifully crafted Fiberglass window on the market. From a tensile strength standpoint the Fiberglass frame wins in comparison to vinyl (8x stronger) & composite (3x stronger). With innovation, more budget is needed, however if your budget allows, these compete as the most beautiful windows on the market. These window easily outlast vinyl and come with many color options.
Made in Tualatin, Oregon. Milgard has cornered a “lion’s share,” of the vinyl marketplace by consistently beating the competition in service, quality, & competitive pricing. Our homeowners choose vinyl to win on price, but typically don’t want cheap vinyl. Milgard consistently balances this investment strategy & consistently proves their value to our homeowners. Our bottom line is we like happy customers.
Made in Pella, Iowa, and for many, the most innovative screen technology amongst all manufacturers with Rolscreen® or for added premium self closing screens. Also known for the best warranty in the industry on their wood-clad window, Pella is our 3rd oldest window/door company in North America. Choose from their premium uniquely blended vinyl (52% stronger) window or their innovative wood-clad windows with Rolscreen®.